Portal Natural Sciences

Our "Portal Natural Sciences" offers library support for your studies, research, and teaching. Here, you find information about current events, courses and support services for scientists, useful tools for academic work, entry points to start your literature search with and contact details for consultations.

Academic Writing

Register for Academic Writing Courses

Would you like to improve your writing skills for publication in the natural sciences or medicine? Our academic writing tutors will help you. Register for workshops on key topics (delivered via Zoom).

Fokus Forschung

Fokus Forschung: Live Public Talks with UniBE Scientists

Researchers from the natural sciences and medicine talk about their findings, challenges they face, their goals, and aspirations. This series features Sarah Marmorosch, Thomas Nevian, Anna Zappatini, Nora Hänni, and Michele Weber.

Coffee Lectures Online

All previous Coffee Lectures are available online

Did you miss one of our live Coffee Lectures? Our autumn series is now available online. We also have an updated selection of Coffee Lectures on demand, from which you can choose a topic for your group meetings. Just let us know: frnat.ub@unibe.ch

Coffee Lectures Science & Medicine

Useful information perfect for a coffee break – join our Coffee Lectures

We offer news and valuable information for your scientific work, covering topics from searching to writing. Short and to the point, in English and without registration. When? We offer two Coffee Lecture sessions per year, one in spring and one in autumn. Time? From 1 to 1:15 pm. Where? Online on ZOOM (details below) and also "on demand" at your institute.

Coffee Lecture Autumn Series 2024

All lectures are now available online as pdf and/or videos on this page.

Get your Coffee Lectures on demand

Do you already know this service? Book your personal, customized Coffee Lecture on demand, for example for your next group meeting: Coffee & Bit(e)s (pdf) 

Previous Lectures

Have you missed one of our lectures? Check out our YouTube playlist for previous lectures since spring 2023.

General Literature search

Are you starting a basic literature search for your studies or research?

Get an overview of relevant tools, i.e., literature search websites, for finding scientific literature at the University of Bern.

Tools for scientific literature search

For further information, one-to-one teaching or group courses and literature searching for the sciences, please contact us.

Systematic literature search

Are you starting a systematic search for writing a review paper?

We provide information on the main steps for conducting a systematic literature search.

How to conduct a systematic literature search

For further information and one-to-one coaching, please contact us.

Reference management

Reference management software and courses

Manage your papers and citations professionally. Courses in reference management offered by the University Library can be found here:


Spatial information for research and studies

We provide a variety of Swiss geographic data for members of University Bern. Get access here:

Open Science

Online publication of scientific articles and research data

Do you have questions about Open Science standards and Open Access publishing? Do you need guidance on how to fulfill the Open Science and Open Research Data requirements of the Swiss National Science Foundation or other funding agencies? The University Library provides information, consulting and courses on online publication, open access, research data management and more:


Subject-specific and personal support

Our team of scientific consultants supports you in getting the information you need for your studies and research. We offer consultations and courses upon request.

Feel free to contact us.

For statistical computing

The R project

R is an excellent open-source software for statistical analyses and graphical representations.

Data Science Platform


Anaconda package manager for Python and R: Anaconda is a free toolset for data science applications. It enables easy installation and combination of a large selection of Python and R code libraries and effective management of programming environments and software packages.


SciFlow makes it easy to write and format scientific texts – whether for a specific journal or as a student paper. SciFlow offers many templates, grammar checking in German and English, an upload function for Word manuscripts and the option of citing with Zotero, Mendeley etc. For groups, SciFlow enables real-time collaboration and the shared use of all references in the text. Finished work can be exported to PDF, LaTeX and Word, among others. The Bern University Library has licensed SciFlow for the entire UniBE campus.


LaTeX is a word processing system that is ideal for creating scientific texts of all kinds. It has particularly useful functions for creating complex documents, and is noteworthy for its stability, flexibility and its high typographic quality. LaTeX is open source, can be used free of charge and is available for all common operating systems.


BioRender provides thousands of icons and many templates for professional scientific illustrations and posters. Ideal for visualising cellular processes, experimental setups, laboratory techniques and much more.


The plagiarism detection software Plagscan is available to all lecturers and employees at the University of Bern. A detailed test report shows possible plagiarism and plagiarised sources.


Zotero is a reference management software that can be used on all common operating systems. Simple to use, it is the ideal software for managing literature, even for smaller papers, and can therefore be used profitably right from the start of your studies. Zotero is free and open source. The University of Bern and the PHBern have set up a Zotero Institutional Plan for Zotero cloud storage. By registering with the institutional e-mail address, unlimited storage is available in the Zotero Cloud.


EndNote or EndNote Online supports you in managing references, writing papers and academic publishing: from searching for literature to collecting and organising references, formatting citations and creating a complete bibliography. Members of the University of Bern receive a discount on the product licence via the UniBE software shop.


BibTeX is recommended for creating citations and bibliographies in documents created with LaTeX word processing. BibTeX is free and open source and is included in the usual LaTeX standard installations (e.g. MikTex for Windows, MacTex for Mac, TeX Live for Linux). The bibliographic data is managed in a .bib file, which can be created and modified with various reference management softwares. The open source software JabRef is specially tailored to BibTeX files. JabRef is platform-independent and runs on all common operating systems.


Citavi supports you in writing papers: from researching, collecting and organising references and citations to formatting citations and creating a complete bibliography. Citavi offers helpful functionalities for organising knowledge, especially for humanities scholars and social scientists. Members of the University of Bern and the PH Bern can use Citavi free of charge with a campus licence.


Mendeley is a free reference management software that is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It is used to organise scientific articles and PDFs and to create citations and bibliographies. Mendeley makes collecting, managing and sharing literature and in-text citations simple and straightforward.


ORCID iD is a 16-digit number combination that uniquely identifies researchers and their publications regardless of spelling variants or transcriptions of one’s name. You can register your personal ORCID number free of charge. The personal profile on orcid.org can be used to manage information on publications, training and employment as well as funding. It is possible to choose individual authorisation settings for each item. ORCID is a non-profit initiative supported by universities, academies, funding organisations, scientific publishers and libraries worldwide.

Altmetric Explorer

Altmetric Explorer is a service that can be used to measure the reception and dissemination of research results on the internet. Unlike traditional bibliometric approaches, it does not measure citations in scientific publications, but rather the dissemination of research on the internet, for example via social media channels such as X or in blogs as well as in non-academic newspapers, Wikipedia, policy documents and many other sources.


Your scientific consultants

If you need further information regarding library services for the sciences, please do not hesitate to contact us:


We provide personal consultations upon request

Our consultation hours provide individual and subject-specific support, on site, by phone, email or videoconference.

Scientific consultants