University Library of Bern UB

Science and Medical Libraries

Geodata services

Geodata for the University of Bern

Access to spatial information

Geodata is digital information with a spatial relation on the earth's surface. The University Library Bern provides access to several up-to-date Swiss geodata sources for members of the University of Bern. Please consider the terms of use for each data source below.

Current swisstopo data

Standard digital products from swisstopo, the Federal Office of Topography, are available free of charge as Open Government Data since March 2021. These products include, for example, digital maps, aerial photographs and landscape models.

Access here:

Geodata and applications



Data are free to use for all purposes. If you download and use data, you agree to indicate the source as “Source: Federal Office of Topography swisstopo” or “© swisstopo” (see terms of use).

Older swisstopo data

Data from swisstopo, the Federal Office of Topography, older than the data currently available online (see above) are hosted locally at University Bern. The following data are available:

  • Maps
  • Landscape Models
  • Height Models
  • Ortho Images (Swissimage)
  • Swiss Geological Atlas - GeoCover V2

Access here:


Mac / Unix:


Data are free to use for all purposes. If you download and use data, you agree to indicate the source as “Source: Federal Office of Topography swisstopo” or “© swisstopo” (see terms of use).


GeoVITe is a browser-based access to geodata for research and teaching provided by ETH Zurich. It contains up-to-date and older swisstopo geodata from Switzerland and the Canton of Zurich, in limited spatial extents, i.e., up to 20,250 km² for National Map 1:25,000.

Access here

Further information on how to access the data on GeoVITe can be found here .

If you need swisstopo geodata at larger extents, please see tabs above.

Federal Statistical Office BFS

Geodata from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office can be downloaded here.


  • If you download data, you agree with the conditions of use.
  • The data must be acknowledged by the source note "Bundesamt für Statistik (BFS), GEOSTAT" and by mentioning the specific survey or dataset according to the data description. In addition, the date of data download must be stated.

Other Swiss geodata sources metadata catalogue of Switzerland's geodata

The metadata catalogue of Switzerland's geodata is the optimal platform for searching geodata sources, for example for aerial photographs, heritage sites, natural hazards, earthquakes, etc. the federal geoportal

On the geographical information platform of the federal authorities of the Swiss Confederation you can directly access federal geographical information, data, services, etc. map viewer of geodata from the Swiss Confederation

This application allows you to search, display and use geographical information. It enables the interactive presentation of maps and the inclusion of specialised (thematic) geographical data using a web browser. Please consider the terms of use.

Geoservices (Federal Spatial Data Infrastructure FSDI)

Geoservices are spatially referenced web services making geodata accessible in a structured form. By means of geoservices it is possible to network geographical information over the internet and to view or exchange data.

Thematic geoportals

This list contains the WebGIS-applications made available to the public by the Federal Offices.

Geoportal of the canton of Bern

Geoportal is the official publication platform for geoinformation in the form of geodata, geoservices, metadata and maps, provided by the canton of Bern.

Geodata of other cantons

  • is an intercantonal platform to obtain geodata and geoservices.
  • Here you find a list of cantonal geoportals.

If you have questions, please contact

Also members of PH Bern can use most of the geodata sources above. Please contact for details.

This service has been developed by the University Library (UB) in collaboration with the Institute of Geography (GIUB) at the University of Bern.