Open Science

Open Knowledge


“The chain, whereby new scientific discoveries are built on previously established results, can only work optimally if all research results are made openly available to the scientific community.” (CoalitionS)

We are on Mastodon!


The latest about our open science services and infrastructure.

BORIS Portal

Manage publications, research- and project data and make them accessible.

Research data management

Information about research data and data management plans.

BORIS Theses

Publish your doctoral thesis online and in open access on BORIS Theses.

Long Term Preservation

How can data produced at the University of Bern be digitally archived?


Learn about our many services: information, training and support.

Open Access


Information about financing, rights & licenses, evaluation and OA-initiatives

Bern Open Publishing

Information about open access publishing on BOP Serials and BOP Books.

Projects und collaborations

We are improving Open Science with collaborations and various projects.


ORCID iDs, DOIs, ISBNs and ISSNs make you and your research unique.


Open Access

Research Data Support

BORIS Portal
