Unitobler Library

Theology and Humanities

Opening hours Basisbibliothek

The opening hours of some of the libraries may differ. Please consult the websites of the institute libraries.


Borrowing and returning

  • Borrowing rules are based on the regulations of the University library of Bern. Registration with the Swiss Library Service Platform (SLSP) is required for borrowing media and using other services of the Bern University Library (with SWITCH edu-ID via the SLSP registration platform free of charge (further information and instructions)
  • To borrow items use the electronic self-checkout terminals on the premises or go to the check-out points (Basisbibliothek BTO, Lerchenweg Library)
  • Special collections can be ordered via swisscovery Universität und PH Bern and picked up at the Basisbibliothek within a week
  • Items checked out by another user can be reserved via our online catalog and will be ready for pickup in the Basisbibliothek for one week after they have been returned (notification by e-mail)
  • Media from non-circulating collections, course material on presence shelves and the latest issues of journals are excluded from borrowing
  • Books from all libraries can be returned in the Basisbibliothek or in any library connected to the local courier or the Swiss courier / SLSP courier
  • The return boxes in the institute libraries can only be used for book returns from that particular library. The return boxes may not be emptied daily (please read the information on the boxes)


A free courier service runs between several libraries of the University of Bern; the Basisbibliothek participates in the national Swiss Courier / SLSP Courier.

Interlibrary loan

To order items from abroad or from libraries outside the national courier service, please use the oder form available on the service website for interlibrary loan

Information and research assistance

During service hours we gladly assist you in-person or by telephone. Please send written inquiries to unitobler.ub@unibe.ch. Subject-specific inquiries can be sent to the corresponding subject librarian.

Tutorials and guided tours for groups:

The Basisbibliothek Unitobler BTO offers introductory tutorials on library use and on catalog searching for groups. Further information and contact persons can be found on the registration forms for the institute of History and here for other subject areas (early registration requested).

For information about courses and tutorials in the Unitobler institute libraries, please check the corresponding website

Coffee Lectures in the Unitobler Library


Coffee Lectures for the Humanities

News and useful information about research in the humanities in 15 minutes, organized by the University Library and the Walter Benjamin Kolleg.

Coffee Lectures Unitobler interdisciplinary HS 2024

Orientation in the Unitobler building

Room information system

The Mediascout displays all rooms, institute libraries, service locations (e.g. Uniprint stations, catalog terminals) as well as library holdings and shelfmark groups.