University Library of Bern UB

Research platform

Search in swisscovery Bern University and PH Bern

books, journal articles, e-books, e-journals


Our research platform swisscovery contains the holdings of the University of Bern, the PHBern and of about 500 Swiss libraries that are part of the SLSP network.

Universität und PH Bern

records for both physical and electronic media held by the University and PH Bern, including records from the CDI

Universität und PH Bern (without CDI)

all physical media as well as the licensed e-books and e-journals of the University and PH Bern


physical and electronic media held by SLSP libraries as well as media held by selected libraries of the Renouvaud network

swisscovery plus

print and electronic media held by SLSP libraries including records for media from the Renouvaud network that are not offered by any other SLSP library, as well as titles that can only be ordered via interlibrary loan

CDI (Central Discovery Index)

records for millions of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, reviews, and research data in electronic form

  • Members of the university with a Campus Account can access the licensed online media of the university library worldwide. Any Internet access via Virtual Private Network (VPN) or SWITCHaai is suitable for this purpose.
  • The links to the licensed e-media are only displayed in the network of the University of Bern or PH Bern. Therefore, always activate the VPN client if you have an account at the University of Bern or the PHBern.
  • External users of swisscovery will not see the links because they do not have access to licensed e-media. However, they can of course access freely accessible online media (national licenses, open access) via swisscovery.


Old prints and rare books, maps, pictures and the bibliography of Bernese history can be searched in swisscollections.
All titles are also listed in swisscovery, but the search options in swisscollections are specifically geared to historical holdings and archival material.

UniBE employees benefit from the following free lending services of Bern University Library:

  • Media delivery via nationwide SLSP-Courier
  • Media delivery by mail
  • Digital copy orders
  • Interlibrary loan orders

You are eligible for these new benefits if you use them at the UB Bern (e.g., couriers collect materials on the UB Bern campus) and if you have a correct registration. Make sure you order services from UB Bern as follows:

  • Media delivery by nationwide SLSP courier: Select «Further request options» to choose a UB Bern pick-up location.
  • Media delivery by mail:  Select «Universität und PH Bern» - «postal delivery»
  • Ordering digital copies: Select «Universität und PH Bern» - «digitization» or orders for copies 
  • Make Interlibrary loan orders via Interlibrary Loan UB Bern

Other fee-based services of the University Library are not free for UNIBE employees (e.g., Scans EoD of historical holdings; for details see tariffs). Unfortunately, UNIBE employees are not exempt from overdue fines and replacement fees.
