Lerchenweg Library

Islamic Studies • Science of Religion • Social Anthropology

Opening hours


The Lerchenweg Library is part of the Unitobler Library

Lerchenweg Library is open to the public; its services and collections are intended to meet students' and faculty's needs.

For general information about infrastructure, borrowing and returning, courier services, information and research assistance please visit the website of the Unitobler Libraries.


  • 24 long-term study spaces which can be borrowed per semester
    Further information on borrowing study spaces and mobile file cabinets can be found here.
    Reservation for study spaces can be made using this form.
    An overview plan overview map shows the layout of the study spaces in the Lerchenweg Library.
  • 40 lockers which can be borrowed per smester
  • 14 day-to-day study spaces for free use
  • 1 online catalog terminal
  • 1 self-checkout terminal
  • Uniprint device

Research consultation

  • Science of religion
    Contact: Denis Maier, subject librarian
  • Islamic studies and social anthropology
    Contact: Ronja Ulrich, subject librarian

The Lerchenweg library contains around 60,000 documents. The collection focuses on the following fields:

Social Anthropology:

  • Anthropology of transnationalism, of the state, of work, of Islamic societies, of kinship
  • Migration and gender research
  • Legal and media anthropology
  • Economic and ecological anthropology

Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies:

  • History and culture of the Near and Middle East
  • Linguistics of Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Central Asian Turkic languages
  • Literatures of the Near and Middle East (in original language)

In addition to secondary literature in European languages, a large collection of Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Uzbek primary and secondary literature is available for the above-mentioned specialisations. Journals are also available, also in European and Middle Eastern languages.

Science of Religion:

  • Theory of religion, religious systems, literature on religious traditions
  • Buddhism in India and in the Tibetan cultural area

