Study space loan (semester loan)

Study spaces at the Unitobler site

The Unitobler provides study spaces for long-term or day use. The use of the study spaces is regulated in the library regulations and in the study space regulations.

Study space reservation

  • Reservations for study spaces can be made using the form on the website of the respective department library. Study spaces can be borrowed at any time, with lending deadlines on January 15 (for the autumn semester) and August 15 (for the spring semester).
  • If no study spaces are available, waiting lists are kept for the following semester.
  • On January 15 (spring semester) and August 15 (fall semester), the study spaces are redistributed according to the waiting lists.
  • You can request a study space in a department other than the one in which you are studying. However, members and students of the department have the priority.

Renewal of a study space loan period

  • Study space loans can be renewed for another semester, unless there are requests by students with priority.
  • Approximately two weeks before the loan period expires, you will receive an e-mail asking you to signal whether you want to renew the loan or return the study space. If you return it, the study space must be vacated by the end of the loan.
    Renewal request: The claim of the person requesting the renewal will be compared with those of the new requests. The rejection or confirmation of a renewal will be announced by the start of the semester at the latest.
  • The responsibility for renewing or returning the study space lies with the borrower. If there is no response by the end of the loan period, the library system will first generate a reminder free of charge, followed by legally binding reminder fees.

Mobile file cabinet and locker loans

  • The same lending and renewal principles apply for mobile file cabinets and lockers. They can be reserved using the same form on the website.  
  • Mobile file cabinets can only be borrowed in combination with a study space, lockers can be borrowed separately.   
  • A recognition of debt (CHF 50) must be signed when the keys are handed over. It is valid for the entire duration of the loan (including renewals). In the event of key loss, the amount must be paid.