BORIS Publications

BORIS is the institutional repository of the University of Bern and lists the scientific publications produced at the University of Bern.

If you have any questions regarding the publication entry, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The tasks of BORIS (Bern Open Repository and Information System) are regulated in the Open Access-Policy of the University of Bern. According to this policy, the university management obliges its researchers to

  • a complete version of all peer-reviewed and published scientific papers
  • and the corresponding bibliographic data


BORIS thus supports easier access to research results, increases the visibility of Bernese research and facilitates the worldwide findability of publications from the University of Bern.

BORIS as an input portal for publications of the University of Bern also serves the research evaluation, which is carried out annually by the Vice Rectorate Research and the Medical Dean's Office.

Repository Policies for Bern Open Repository and Information System (BORIS)


The University of Bern has established the institutional repository Bern Open Repository and Information System (BORIS). The aim of this policy is to ensure that the contents of BORIS reflect and strengthen the University’s tradition of research excellence, by increasing the visibility of the University’s research, and providing open access to the University’s research outputs. The policy also establishes the framework within which BORIS is managed.

Metadata Policy for information describing items in the repository:

All Metadata in BORIS are public domain (CC0). Anyone can access, copy, distribute, and re-use the metadata for any purpose free of charge.

Data Policy for full-text and other full data items

  1. Anyone may access full items free of charge.
  2. If not tagged differently, copies of full items generally can be:
    • reproduced, displayed or performed, given to third parties, and stored in a database in any format or medium
    • for personal research or study, educational, not-for-profit, or commercial purposes without prior permission or charge provided the authors, title and full bibliographic details are given.
  3. This repository is not the publisher; it is merely the online archive.
  4. Mention of the repository is appreciated but not mandatory.

Content Policy for types of document & data set held

  1. BORIS is an institutional repository.
  2. BORIS holds all types of scientific materials.
  3. Deposited items may include:
    • (a) working drafts
    • (b) submitted versions (as sent to journals for peer-review)
    • (c) accepted versions (author's final peer-reviewed drafts)
    • (d) published versions (publisher-created files)
    • (e) research data
  4. Items are individually tagged with:
    •  (a)  their peer-review status.
    •  (b) their publication status.
  5. A detailed list of publication types and datasets in BORIS can be found in an according document.

Submission Policy concerning depositors, quality & copyright

  1. Items may only be deposited by accredited members, and academic staff of the University of Bern, or their delegated agents.
  2. Eligible depositors must deposit metadata for all their publications.
  3. Eligible depositors must deposit full texts of all their publications, although they may delay making them publicly visible to comply with publishers' embargos.
  4. The administrators only vet items for the eligibility of authors/depositors, relevance to the scope of BORIS, valid layout & format, and the exclusion of spam.
  5. The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the depositor.
  6. Items can be deposited at any time, but will not be made publicly visible until any publishers' or funders' embargo period has expired.
  7. Deposited metadata and items can only be made public by administrators.
  8. If BORIS receives proof of copyright violation, the relevant item will be removed as soon as possible.

Preservation Policy

  1. Items will be retained indefinitely.
  2. The University Library will try to ensure continued readability and accessibility.
    • Where possible items will be migrated to new file formats when necessary.
    • It may not be possible to guarantee the readability of some unusual file formats.The repository may work with external partners to convert or migrate file formats, develop and implement software emulations for old file formats, and/or record preservation metadata.
  3. The repository regularly backs up its files according to current best practice.
  4. Items may only be removed for compelling reasons.
  5. Acceptable reasons for withdrawal include:
    • Proven copyright violation or plagiarism
    • Legal requirements and proven violations
    • National Security
    • Falsified research
  6. Withdrawn items may not be deleted, but are removed from public view.
  7. Identifiers/URLs of withdrawn items will be retained transiently. BORIS may reveal a deleted status for records upon harvesting requests.
  8. URLs will continue to point to 'tombstone' citations, to avoid broken links and to retain item histories.
  9. The metadata of withdrawn items will not be searchable
  10. Errata and corrigenda lists may be included with the original record if required.
  11. If necessary, an updated version may be deposited. The earlier version may be withdrawn from public view, or the original URL will be linked to the latest version.
  12. If BORIS is closed down, the database will be transferred to another archive.

Members of the University of Bern log in with the SWITCH edu-ID. The SWITCH edu-ID must be linked to the campus account.

Members of the Inselspital log in with the Insel account.

For detailed instructions around BORIS, please consult the BORIS manual or contact the BORIS team.

Yes. All metadata and files are checked by the BORIS team or the editors before publication and supplemented or corrected if necessary. The aim is to ensure that the data are as error-free as possible and that the publications can be made publicly accessible in compliance with legal requirements.

As the author of the publication, you can correct the item. Otherwise, please contact the BORIS team.

Since BORIS is indexed by search engines such as Google Scholar and BASE, uploading freely accessible full texts to BORIS increases the findability and visibility of your publications. This also increases the chances of being cited by other researchers.

All content is permanently stored in BORIS, so that your texts are accessible here in the long term.

Furthermore, you act in accordance with the Open Access Policy of the University of Bern and the Swiss National Strategy on Open Access and thereby contribute to the free scientific exchange.


Please upload your accepted manuscript, the so-called post-print or AAM, as well as the published version of your article in BORIS The texts will be made accessible by the BORIS team according to the second publication rights.

The guidelines of the publishers and journals can be found in the SHERPA/RoMEO.

Texts that are not allowed to be made freely accessible can also be uploaded to BORIS. They are then exclusively available to registered users.

Pre-print (submitted version): Version the author initially submitted to the publisher. This version has not yet gone through peer-review. Please note: pre-prints should be uploaded to subject-specific repositories such as

Post-print (accepted manuscript, author accepted manuscript AAM): Version after peer-review and accepted for publication. The content is equivalent to the published version. Post-prints can usually be made freely available – immediately or after an embargo period.

Publisher PDF, version of record: Published version in the final layout showing page numbers and the publisher’s logo. 

As the operator of BORIS, the university is responsible for compliance with the distribution rights of the texts. For this reason, the BORIS team checks on behalf of the university whether a secondary publication in BORIS is permissible. Provided that the researchers do not intentionally violate any rights and do not violate the BORIS guidelines, the University of Bern will protect them from legal claims arising from the use of BORIS.

The content of the text, however, will not be checked. The copyright responsibility towards third parties remains with the author.

If there are indications of copyright infringement, we will remove the corresponding text from open access. See also the Repository Policies for BORIS.

BORIS has no formal restriction to certain data formats. However, only certain formats can be indexed and their long-term accessibility guaranteed.

The following formats are recommended:

  • Texts: XML, ODT, or PDF/A.
  • Images: TIFF and PNG
  • Audio files: WAV, OGG, and AIF
  • Video files:  MP4

Since DOC, DOCX and JPEG are formats subject to proprietary restrictions, their long-term accessibility depends on support from rights holders.

In consultation with the university management, the following publication types are accepted in BORIS:

  • Articles in scientific journals
  • Books: monographs, edited volumes, source editions, textbooks, reference works
  • Book contributions: Book chapters, chapters in reference works
  • Reports, legal opinions
  • Conference contributions: Presentations, posters, abstracts, papers
  • working papers
  • Qualification papers: Dissertations, Habilitations
  • Editorships of journals, book series and working paper series
  • Newspaper and magazine articles
  • Interviews in newspapers, radio and television
  • Audiovisual materials: audio files, videos, etc.
  • Patents

Not included:

  • Bachelor's and master's theses
  • Expert and supervisory activities for bachelor's and master's theses and examinations
  • Organizing, conducting, leading conferences, panel discussions, workshops, etc.
  • Newspaper articles in which the employee of the University of Bern is quoted (exception: entire interviews)

Please refer to the glossary of recording guidelines in ILIAS for assistance in recording the different types of publications.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributer ID) is a numeric identifier that allows authors to be uniquely identified. This makes it possible to assign texts and data to the correct authors even if they have the same name or different spellings of the same name. More information about the use of ORCID in BORIS can be found on the website of the University Library of Bern under Identifiers or in ILIAS Identifiers oder in ILIAS.

The use of ORCID in BORIS is recommended because this identifier is supported by many publishers, databases and by the personnel database of the University of Bern. Instructions for activating ORCID in BORIS can also be found in ILIAS.


Publication lists from BORIS can be integrated into websites, this applies to publication lists of institutes, departments and clinics as well as to individual publication lists.

Integrate the publication list from BORIS directly into the website by inserting the URL of your publication list into a code block in ZMS3.  Please refer to the instructions on the ZMS training website.

ATTENTION: In January 2023, the URL for the individual publication list in BORIS has changed. It currently corresponds to the following scheme:,_Vorname.html and replaces the previous URL. Please therefore adapt the URL to the individual publication lists in ZMS3 accordingly on your personal websites. You can find instructions on how to change the URL of your publication list here.



The submission deadline for the 2022 evaluation data of the Faculty of Medicine is 6.1.2023.

Please note the current deadlines in the "Annual Planning 2023" and the letter from the Medical Dean's Office regarding the data entry process. You can also find all information on research evaluation on the information page of the Faculty of Medicine.

For all other faculties, the deadline for the research evaluation is 1.4.2023.

For questions regarding research evaluation, please contact:

Vizerektorat Forschung


 Dr. Jürg Friedli 

 +41 31 684 82 34

Medizinische Fakultät

 Nicole Peter

 +41 31 634 00 65




Individual introductions to BORIS Publications take place on demand and are conducted online. Please contact the BORIS team.

For members of the Faculty of Medicine and Inselspital, introductions to BORIS Publications are held as group courses in October and November. These courses will take place on site and last approx. 1.5 - 2 hours.

  • Monday, 10/30/2023, 13:00-15:00, Medical Dean's Office, Murtenstrasse 11, meeting room 1st floor, registration via UB agenda.
  • Monday, 11/13/2023, 13:00-15:00, Medical Dean's Office, Murtenstrasse 11, meeting room 1st floor, registration via UB agenda.
  • Monday, 12/04/2023, 09:00-11:00, Medical Dean's Office, Murtenstrasse 11, meeting room 1st floor, registration via UB agenda.

We also offer individual question and answer sessions for members of the Faculty of Medicine and Inselspital regarding publication entry in BORIS Publications. These last about 30 minutes and take place virtually via Zoom meeting.

  • Thursday, 11/02/2023, 09.30-15.30, per person/institution 30 minutes, registration via UB agenda.
  • Thursday, 11/16/2023, 09:30-15:30, per person/institution 30 minutes, registration via UB agenda.