Theology, science of religion and Jewish studies

Logo ATLA Religion Database

ATLA Religion Database Bibliographical reference of journal articles, contributions in collective works and reviews (theology and science of religion)

Logo Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL)

Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL) Online access to biographical-bibliographical articles

Logo Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG)

Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG) Concise dictionary for theology and science of religion

Logo The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies (RAMBI)

The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies (RAMBI) Bibliographical reference of journal articles, contributions in collective works and reviews (Jewish Studies)

Discover e-journals in your subject area with BrowZine. The best starting point is here: theology, religion and Jewish studies journals

Theology, religion and Jewish studies

Consultation hours for literature research

Our subject librarian for theology, religion and Jewish studies would be pleased to assist you in making full use of the resources of the University Library Bern:

  • Assistance in researching your topic
  • Using specialized databases
  • Help with search strategies
  • Support for working with literature management programs
  • Support for working with LaTeX

Please make an appointment by e-mail. The consultation can also be made via Teams or Zoom.

For further services of our subject librarians please visit the Portal Humanities and Theology of the University Library of Bern (in German).

Our collection in theology, religion and Jewish studies can be requested through our online catalog swisscovery Universität und PH Bern. Open access holdings can be found in the following libraries:

Protestant Theology Library

  • Specialized literature on all fields of theology and adjacent fields
  • Large non-circulating collection of reference works and journals

Old Catholic Theology Library

  • Collections in the fields of: Old/Christian Catholicism, 19th century Catholicism, Orthodoxy (Eastern Church), Anglicans, Ecumenical Christianity, Liturgy, Ecclesiology

Lerchenweg Library

  • Literature on all religions (source texts) as well as on related branches of science: Theory of Religion, Religion and Society, Aesthetics, Sociology, Ethnology, Philology, Methodology, Regional Studies, History, etc.
  • Large collections on Hinduism and Buddhism
  • Large non-circulating collection of reference works and journals

Basisbibliothek Unitobler

  • Basic study literature

Münstergasse Library

  • Reference works in the reading room