University Library of Bern UB

Subject information

Law studies

Swisslex is Switzerland's leading law information platform. Access only for members of the University of Bern who are personally registered.

Juris is a law information platform offering important journals, comments and manuals for all fields of law.

legalis research in standard legal works of the publishing house Helbing & Lichtenhahn

Beck-Online is one of Germany's leading legal databases with notes, papers and books of forms for all fields of law.


Consultation hours for literature research

Our subject librarian for law would be pleased to assist you in making full use of the resources of the University Library Bern:

  • Assistance in researching your topic
  • Using specialized databases
  • Help with search strategies
  • Support for working with literature management programs

Please make an appointment by e-mail. The consultation can also be made via Teams or Zoom.

Our collection in law can be requested through our online catalog swisscovery Universität und PH Bern. Open access holdings can be found in the following libraries:

Library of Law JBB

  • Swiss legal literature
  • Legal literature of the Canton of Bern
  • Basic literature and literature of related subjects with legal relevance (focus on history, philosophy and sociology of law)
  • Foreign legal literature (focus on neighboring countries)
  • European Union law

Münstergasse Library

  • Comments and collections of laws on Swiss legal literature in the reading room

Library of the World Trade Institute

  • European Union Law
  • World Trade Law