Lernort Engehalde
Opening hours
The Lernort Engehalde is part of the Library of Economics and is served by the library.
- 25 study places
- 4 collaborative work spaces with Smartboards and screens with HDMI connectors (reservation required, web page in German)
- Wireless LAN (network of the University of Bern)
- Printing/scanning/photocopying facilities (four Uniprint devices)
- Ask a Librarian

Further information
Subject librarians

- Name / Titel
- Dr. Stefan Ittner
- Funktion
- Subject librarian political science and economics
- stefan.ittner@unibe.ch
- Phone
- +41 31 684 95 12

- Name / Titel
- Aline Lehnherr
- Funktion
- Head of operations management
- aline.lehnherr@unibe.ch
- Phone
- +41 31 684 31 82

- Name / Titel
- Robin Abbühl
- Funktion
- Acquisition, cataloging, information
- robin.abbuehl@unibe.ch
- Phone
- +41 31 684 94 73
- Name / Titel
- Amélie Minton
- Funktion
- Acquisition, cataloging, information
- amelie.minton@unibe.ch
- Phone
- +41 31 684 33 61

- Name / Titel
- Ronja Bracher
- Funktion
- Information, cataloging, acquisition
- ronja.bracher@unibe.ch
- Phone
- +41 31 684 94 77