Academic Writing Support

We support students at the University of Bern with their writing projects and challenges. Contact us for a consultation or join one of our courses.

Do you struggle to

  • start or restart writing?
  • find and narrow down a topic?
  • structure a text?
  • write a first draft?
  • revise a text?
  • stick to your writing schedule and meet deadlines?

The Academic Writing Consultation is a free service for all students and researchers at UB and PH Bern - whether you are in your first semester or on your dissertation. We focus on your personal writing process and help you tackle not only the current but also future writing assignments and projects. 

Drop in during our consultation hours (Friday 9-12 during the semester) or contact us for an appointment. Your concerns and questions will be treated confidentially.

We are open for all disciplines with a focus on the humanities and social sciences. If you are a writer from the medical or natural sciences we suggest you look into the specialized course offer by the Medical Library at the University of Bern.

Team Academic Writing Support