University Library of Bern UB

Rare books


Printed material in the BONGARSIANA

after completion of revision

     Volumes  Titles


 551  1303
 II.  Med.  75  159
 III.  Jus.  92  186
 IV.  Artes Lib.  988  1832
 V.  His.  1052  2594
 VI.  Poet.  268  630
 VI. App.  Appendix  48  152
     3074  6856


The BONGARSIANA in literature


Das ist: Beschreibung einer Reiss, so zween Exulanten durch Heuteliam [i.e. Helvetien] gethan ...

Lutetiae Anno 1658.

This anonymous satire criticizes conditions in the old Swiss Confederation. In Bern, travelers visit the library, take a look at the "new library", i.e. the Bongarsiana and criticize: "that the books were dustier than those in Guretum [i.e. Zurich]", and the librarian explains that they were used very rarely, more by visitors marveling at them than by locals using them.

For a long time, people speculated that the author was Jakob Graviseth, who died in 1658. More recent research names Hans Franz Veiras, Bongars' secretary, as the author.


The historical element of the work presents the background and effects of the religious wars in France.

The practical element consisted of collecting the pamphlets and editing them for the StUB's alphabetic catalog. A second batch of catalog cards was stored separately. These records now appear in chronological order as an appendix to the main Bongarsia catalog.

Verena NEERACHER: Attempt to reconstruct the academic library of Jakob Bongars, 1554-1612. (partial project).
Bern 1969.

(Presented to the Association of Swiss Librarians)

The relevant prints from the "Historia Germaniae" and "Historia Helvetiae" sections of the Hortin catalog were gathered together and cataloged.

Bibliography (chronological)

  • Hortin, Samuel. Clavis Bibliothecae Bongarsianae [Key to the Bongars library]. MDCXXXIIII. [Bern] 1634. Manuscript. Systematic catalog of manuscripts and prints.
  • Sinner, Johann Rudolf. Bibliothecae Bernensis librorum typis editorum catalogus. Bern 1764. 2 volumes + supplement 1767.The first catalog with the collection of printed material (including Bongarsiana) in the Civic Library at that time. Subject order. The Bongarsiana is mentioned on pages XXXVI-XXXVII of the preface.
  • Tscharner, Bernhard Friedrich. Directory of all printed works available in Bern City Library. Bern 1811. 3 volumes + 3 supplements, 1839-1856.
  • Alphabetical order. Details of the Bongarsiana on pages XXI-XXIII of the preface.
  • Hagen, Hermann. Catalogus codicum Bernensium (Bibliotheca Bongarsiana). Bern 1875. pp. 515-552: Appendix. Librorum impressorum quibus notae marginales ascriptae sunt conspectus.
  • Hagen, Hermann. Jakob von Gravisset, the donor of the Bongars library. Public speech, held in the historic Association of the Canton of Bern on March 8, 1878. In: Berner Taschenbuch, 28 (1879), pp. 156-206.
  • Hagen, Hermann. Zur Geschichte der Philologie und zur römischen Literatur. Vier Abhandlungen. Berlin 1879. Including: the lawyer and philologist Peter DANIEL from Orléans. pp. 1-30. [First published in 1873 to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the University of Bern].
  • Jacob BONGARSIUS. pp. 55-144. [First appeared as a contribution to the history of academic studies in the 16th-17th century, 1874].
  • To beginning
  • Anquez, Léonce. Henri IV et l'Allemagne, d'après les mémoires et la correspondance de Jacques Bongars. Paris 1887.
  • About the Bongars library pp. XLI-XLIII.
  • Blösch, Hans. Die Stadt- und Hochschulbibliothek Bern. Zur Erinnerung an ihr 400jähriges Bestehen und an die Schenkung der Bongarsiana im Jahr 1632. Bern 1932. Includes essays by Hans Blösch, Werner Juker, Bernhard Schmid, Franz Thormann, Hans Strahm.
  • Bibliotheca Bernensis 1974. Gift for the official opening of the reconstructed ... building of the City and University Library and Bern Civic Library ... Publsihed by the Burgergemeinde Bern (civic community of Bern). Bern 1974. About the Bongars collection in the essay by Hans Strahm "Die Berner Bibliotheken von ihren ersten Anfängen bis zur grossen Reorganisation von 1693", pp. 24-27.
  • "Ein herrliches Präsent". 350 years of the Bongars library in Bern. Manuscripts and prints over 1,000 years. Exhibition from October 24 - November 13, 1983. Bern Civic Library, City and University Library Bern. (Curated by Christoph von Steiger). Bern 1983.
  • Michel, Hans A. Das wissenschaftliche Bibliothekswesen Berns vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. On the 450th anniversary of the City and University Library Bern 1535-1985. Bern 1985. (See also "Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Heimatkunde" Issue 3). About the Bongarsiana pp. 182-183.
  • Schatzkammern. Zweihundert Jahre Bücher, Handschriften und Sammlungen im Gebäude an der Münstergasse 61-63. Bern 1994. ("Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Heimatkunde" Issue 2). Includes a contribution by Marlis Stähli "Stolzer Berner Besitz. Die Bibliotheca Bongarsiana und eine ihrer berühmtesten Handschriften, der Codex des Petrus von Ebulo", pp. 229-242 (with color illustration of the title page for Samuel Hortin's catalog).

Margaret Eschler
Bern, June 6, 1994