
On behalf of the Canton of Bern the Münstergasse Library collects and preserves so-called Bernensia. It is thereby generously helped by the Burgergemeinde Bern, the civic community of Bern. The Bernensia Collection comprises publications about the city and the Canton of Bern as well as books by Bernese authors.

Notice to authors, publishers, and institutions: We welcome donations to the Bernensia Collection and appreciate a complimentary copy of your publications.

Bernensia Collection at the Münstergasse Library

Some  3.200 books on Bern mostly published after 2011 are displayed on the 1st floor:

  • special interest books
  • Bernese fiction
  • Exhibition catalogues
  • Selected journals and magazines

3 200 books may be ordered and borrowed, except for the periodicals.

Bernese media at the University Library

Bernensia search keyword(s):

Search the geographic catalog for books published before 1991

Bernese fiction

Literapedia Bern
Wiki for Bernese writers

Online collections

Digitized resources on Bernese history and culture
Bernensia on the Swiss portal for digitized historical documents

Bibliography of Bernese history (BBG)

The bibliography lists documents about the Canton of Bern, its towns, and people. Check the digibern website for further information, specific search options, and the pdf editions of the years 2007 -2014. The publications listed may be found in the swisscovery library catalog as well.

Dissertations at the University of Bern

Lists of dissertations from 1534 onwards

Bernense collections in other libraries and archives

Burgerbibliothek of Berne
The books are listed in swisscovery, archival records may be found in the separate online database.

State Archives of Bern
The books are listed in the swisscovery, archival records may be found in the separate online database.

Bern City Archives
Archival records may be found in the online catalog.

Swiss National Library
The Swiss national bibliography lists Bernese publications.
