Classical studies
Zenon Bibliographies of the various departments of the German Archaeological Institute
New Pauly Online Standard reference work on Roman and Greek antiquity
Propylaeum Key German language specialist portal for all areas of classical studies
Gnomon Online Key information system for classical studies
L’Année Philologique International database for all classical studies

Discover e-journals in your subject area with BrowZine. The best starting point is here: archeology journals, ancient history journals, classical philology journals
Classical studies
Consultation hours for literature research
Our subject librarians for classical studies would be pleased to assist you in making full use of the resources of the University Library Bern:
- Assistance in researching your topic
- Using specialized databases
- Help with search strategies
- Support for working with Zotero and other literature management programs
Please make an appointment by e-mail. The consultation can also be made via Teams or Zoom.
For further services of our subject librarians please visit the portal for humanities and theology of the University Library of Bern (in German).
Training Material
Subject portals
Classical studies in general
Ancient history
Archaeology and history of the Ancient Near East
Classical philology
Library profile
Our collection in classical studies can be requested through our online catalog swisscovery Universität und PH Bern. Open access holdings can be found in the following libraries:
Mittelstrasse Library
Collections in archaeological sciences
- Art and culture of Greek and Roman Antiquity
- Art and culture of the Etruscans
- Bilingual editions of ancient authors
- Prehistory and early history of Europe
- Archaeology of the Roman Provinces in Europe and Northwest Africa
- Swiss medieval archaeology, experimental archaeology und museum science
- Near Eastern Archaeology (from India to the Mediterranean and from Southern Russia to the Arab Peninsula with special focus on Iraq, Syria and Turkey) from the beginning of the Epipalaeolithic to the end of the Ancient Oriental Empires
- Cuneiform tablets with emphasis on Sumerian and Akkadian
Classics Library
- Editions, commentaries and studies on Greek and Latin literature from about 750 BC to 600 AD
- Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin and Byzantine works (fictional and philosophical, historical and scientific texts)
History Library
- Specialized academic literature on all areas of history with its own department on ancient history
- Comprehensive reference library of source texts, reference works and journals
Münstergasse Library
- Publications on the history of the city and canton of Berne
- Reference works in the reading room
- Significant historical collection (to be consulted in the Special Reading Room)
Basisbibliothek Unitobler BTO
- Basic study literature
- Text editions