Dr. Gero Schreier

Data Steward: Humanities, Law and Theology, subject librarian Ancient History

+41 31 684 88 44
Consultation Hour
By appointment via email
  • Research data management

  • Research data management support: data management planning (data management plans, DMPs), structuring, storage, and publication of research data
  • Member of the editorial board of www.forschungsdaten.info, the information portal on research data management for Germany, Austria and Switzerland
  • Für die Universitätsbibliothek Bern ständiges Mitglied im Forschungsdaten-Arbeitskreis AKORD von SLiNER
  • Subject librarian Ancient History

  • Assistance in literature research in ancient history for students and faculty of the University of Bern
  • Collection development in ancient history
  • Contact person for the Coffee Lectures "Unitobler+ interdisciplinary" for the humanities and cultural studies
  • Projects

    swissuniversities-funded project "Action plans on data stewardship" (National action plan Open Research Data, Action Line B5.2)

    swissuniversities-funded project "OMeGA - Open Metadata Generator App" (leading house: Bern University of Applied Sciences, National action plan Open Research Data, Research Data Grants Track A) (Project collaborator)